Welcome to our Department!
Department Staff: 1 Professor, 7 Associate Professors, 3 Assistant Professors, 1 Laboratory Technician, 2 PhD Student.
Subjects and Courses of Study:
"Training of Reserve Officers" (Military-Field Therapy course - IV year)
"Internal Medicine, including Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Occupational Diseases" (Internal Medicine and Occupational Diseases courses - V year);
"Invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiac pathology"(Selective Discipline-VI year);
"Management of patients after invasive interventions and organ transplantation"(Internal Medicine course - VI year).
Way of Learning:
The students of the following academic units study at the department:
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Foreign Students (Selective Discipline).
The students study in the following specialties:
General Medicine.